Monday, September 22, 2008


I have been getting many hits on my other blog, Everything is Interesting, due to a post entitled "Why you should not get a tattoo." This one post, which was written in jest, has gotten so many hits that I regularly see all sorts of questions about tattooing on my daily blog analysis.

At first, as an ex-tattooist, I was rather irked that my ex was following me around. But then, I worked as a tattooist for almost fifteen years, so I figured it was bound to, and besides, I still like talking about tattoos now and again.

This morning, at 8:30am, a time one should not call any tattooist (not ever), I received a phone call from a woman asking about how she could rid herself of a tattoo she didn't want any more without paying for laser surgery. I wound up talking to her for about twenty minutes. Since I am unemployed at present, I wished I could have charged her for the call (especially since she called before 9:00am).

Well, to make this short story long, I decided that I wasn't going to buck the trend. I have plenty to say about tattoos, and I've always had the patience to answer peoples' questions (okay, not always). I figure I'm a good person to answer questions, for I have no investment in whether you actually do get a tattoo. I'm not selling anything. However, if you do find what I have to say to be of use to you, I wouldn't mind a tip. Please note the Amazon paybox on the right. It accepts payments of as little as one buck (though I only get 61 cents). How many things can you get for a dollar these days?

I am happy to answer your questions. Feel free to leave them in the comments section or on my other blog. I'll get around to them in due time. Cheers!

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